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Many fast food restaurants across the nation indicate employees being overworked and restaurants being understaffed. To address this issue, IBM partnered with McDonald's to deliver AI voice agents in the drive thrus to support employees and customers. 

In this project, I worked on onsite research to improve interactions with the voice agent as well as designing the website that restaurants could use to order, install, and manage their voice agent. This website would be used by thousands of restaurants across the world.

my role

Design lead:

  • Designed end to end experience of ordering and managing AI voice agent with 60+ screens

  • Completed heuristic evaluation on website to iterate

  • Defined product strategy to scale voice agent across more restaurants.


6 month long project to implement AI voice agent across 1,000+ McDonalds restaurants.

tools & skills

Figma, Airtable, Mural, Jira

the deliverables

01. onsite research study


research goal

We flew out to a few McDonald's restaurants to see the voice agent and action here's what we learned. 

Some recommendations I made based on the research:

1.  Add detailed introduction at the beginning of order process to help customers onboard to the voice agent.

2. Add more time between customer's request and voice agent response to give customer and crew member more reaction time

3. Share more positive customer feedback, and give them more control to intervene as needed to help them build trust

02. heuristic evalution


research goal

Conduct a heuristic evaluation on the WatsonOrders website (used by restaurants to order and install the voice agent) to identify usability and user experience issues, and provide recommendations to solve them.

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My top UX recommendations: 

1.  Provide clear order, installation, and payment steps for user while placing the order and once order is completed. 

2. Improve readability on product overview page by removing tabs and organizing information into a table to easily compare options

3. Consistent placement of the order and checkout buttons across all screens to fit user's mental model. 

More reccomendations below 

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03. demo

the requirement

Introduce the AI voice agent to customers in simple terms and provide value before purchase.


04. purchase

03. demo 

the requirment:

the requirment:

Allow users to easily place order voice agent and additional technology for their selected restaurant(s). 


05. install

the requirment:

Users need to be able to easily track and complete multiple steps to install working voice agent:
1. uploading images of restaurant to make sure it is up to date with latest technology
2. completion of 4 site visits to install voice agent

05. installation


06. manage

 the requirement: users need to be able to monitor automation rate of voice agent for each restaurant and understand it's impact quickly and easily.

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© 2020 by Drishti Vidyarthi

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